Hi friends....see this useful link
I have just stumbled upon a very cool site that will be another addition to “My Favorites” on your computer.
The site is called PDFGeni.com and it collects all the free PDF materials (books, articles, papers, reports etc.) found on the Internet and delivers them to you for absolutely free. I just tested the site and it works really well.
You type a topic/subject you want to find PDFs on and press the Search button and it will find some great stuff on the topic in a matter of seconds. Must note that the search is powered by Google as indicated at the botoom of the page.
I also like the suggestion feature on PDGGeni site. It can be very handy if you are lazy to type the whole subject or if you want to get alternative combinations of keywords like in this case I type “Social netwo” and already by now I see many variations and combinations that I might want to check out if I find it relevant to my research.
There is a long list of results, which I am sure will keep me quite busy if I decide to go through it. Maybe next time. For now I just clicked on one of the links and a PDF document was ready to be saved locally or opened in my browser. I opened the doc, skimmed it and then closed the window. Very easy to use, nice interface and I hope many of you will find it useful. I am certain I will come back to PDFGeni.com.