Saturday, May 29, 2010

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Multi-particle entanglement in solid is a first

Jun 5, 2008

An international team of physicists has entangled three diamond nuclei for the first time. The development promotes solid-state systems to a rank of quantum systems including ions and photons that have achieved entanglement for more than two particles.

Entanglement lies at the heart of fields such as quantum computation and quantum teleportation. At its most basic level, if two particles are entangled a measurement of the state of one reveals something about the state of the other, regardless of the distance separating them.

Quantum Entangled Images

In this photo montage of actual quantum images, two laser beams coming from the bright glare in the distance transmit images of a cat-like face at two slightly different frequencies (represented by the orange and the purple colors). The twisted lines indicate that the seemingly random changes or fluctuations that occur over time in any part of the orange image are strongly interconnected or “entangled” with the fluctuations of the corresponding part in the purple image. Though false color has been added to the cats’ faces, they are otherwise actual images obtained in the experiment.

Credit: NIST
View hi-resolution image

Source : I got email (25 June 2008) from my supervisor about this, tq dr the link.

Announcement Na:) PrEQuaLS4

Monday, May 24, 2010

Trivial Subalgebra


Mathematical Description of Entanglement


What is Entanglement witnesses?

From: Relations between entanglement witnesses and Bell inequalities (PHYSICAL REVIEW A 72, 012321 (2005))

1. Entanglement witnesses are operators that are designed directly for distinguishing between separable and entangled states.

[M. Horodecki, P. Horodecki, and R. Horodecki, Phys. Lett. A 223, 1 (1996),B. M. Terhal, Phys. Lett. A 271, 319 (2000),M. Lewenstein, B. Kraus, J. I. Cirac, and P. Horodecki, Phys.Rev. A 62, 052310 (2000)]

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Announcement Na : EQuaLS4 ( 28 June- 1 July 2010 )

Theme : "Cosmology, Gravitation and High Energy Physics 2010"

Date     : 28 JUNE - 1 JULY 2010

Venue : Seminar Room Al -Khawarizmi. Mathematics Building, UPM

The speakers and the title of their talks are listed below:

1. Sigbjorn Hervik (Universitetet Stavanger, Norway), "Cosmological Models for Our Universe"

2. Jiro Soda (Kyoto University, Japan), "Fine Structures of Inflationary Scenario"

3. Anirudh Pradhan (Hindu Postgraduate College, India), "Recent Developments in Gravity and Cosmology"

4. Rajesh Parwani (National University of Singapore), "Information Theory, Particle Physics and Cosmology"

5. Teo Lee Peng (University of Nottingham, Malaysia Branch), "Finite Temperature Casimir Effect"

All researchers and students interested in cosmology, relativity, high energy physics and related areas of mathematics and theoretical sciences.